Matzbox | Montessori creative toy

Award-winning wooden building blocks for creativity and endless free play.
Sale price189,00 € Regular price199,00 €
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Was macht die Matzbox so besonders?


Kreativität und freies Spiel

Kinder lieben die Freiheit, die Matzbox mit allem, was das Kinderzimmer zu bieten hat, zu kombinieren. Sie können die Teile zu fantasievollen Spielszenen und gewagten Konstruktionen zusammenstellen, die nicht nur die motorischen Fähigkeiten stärken, sondern auch zum kreativen Spiel anregen.


Förderung der Entwicklung

Die großzügig dimensionierten XL-Bausteine verbessern spielerisch Geschicklichkeit, Fantasie und Konzentration. Die Matzbox ist in den Prinzipien der Montessori-, Fröbel- und Waldorfpädagogik verwurzelt, was sie zu einem geschätzten Werkzeug in Kindergärten und Schulen macht.


Langfristige Investition

Mit der Matzbox entscheidest du dich für ein langlebiges, nachhaltiges und vielseitiges Lernspielzeug. Beobachte, wie dein Kind mit jeder neuen Idee und jedem aufgebauten Szenario wächst. Die Matzbox ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug, sondern eine echte Investition in die Entwicklung deines Kindes.

Known from


Customer testimonials


" The box is great! First the children tried out all the figures and structures in the instructions and then 'built them freely'. It is used every day , is very stimulating for the children and putting it away is also child's play. "

Andrea Stengel

Management of the Maria Königin daycare center in Mainz


55 years ago our eldest daughter received one of these cubes. Over the years it has been played with by our three children, their friends, ten grandchildren and now their young children. We built dollhouses, garages, forts, towers etc. whatever was currently in fashion. The best toy!


Buyer and original box owner


"So far we have used the Matzbox primarily in the U3 area and this age group is very enthusiastic about the versatility and possibilities of the box. The material is sensational, it smells good, feels good and I think it tastes good too😊"

Mrs Ressel

Management of the St. Georg kindergarten in Munich


große Bauteile


enthusiastic customers


Spiel- und Bauvarianten

Unlimited fun and impressive successes


The Matzbox is a 36-piece FSC®-certified wooden construction kit made of high-quality pinewood boxes and solid wood parts made of dark walnut, which are stored compactly and space-savingly in the Matzbox. With the versatile and convertible boxes, this sustainable creative construction kit places its unique focus on promoting creativity and free play - the real keys to lasting fun that lasts for years.

Icon_weiss-gelb_Die Box macht den Unterschied. Ein Gelber Punkt der mal auf der Box mal in der Box und mal neben oder unter der Box liegt zeigt die Vielseitigkeit der Box.

Discover the unique play value of the Matzbox

The box makes the difference

Eeny meeny meeny, it's rattling in the box – The Matzbox offers incredible versatility when playing freely compared to conventional wooden blocks or building blocks. Each box has the potential to be more than just a building block. It becomes a secret hiding place, a robust container for treasures, or the foundation of impressive buildings. This versatility not only promotes creativity, but also spatial imagination and fine motor skills.

Many sites are more versatile!



Spielerischer Mehrwert (innen, außen, offen, geschlossen)



Großes Bauvolumen kompakt verstaut



Schnell umgestalltbare Spielszenen



Extra große Bausteine für beeindruckende Bauerfolge



50 years of playing experience

The company founder’s original box has been proving its worth in use for half a century!

Our wooden building blocks are not only high quality, but also extremely robust and durable. The Matzbox will bring you and your children joy for many years and can be passed on to future generations as a natural wooden toy full of beautiful memories.

Time passes, the Matzbox remains!

Original Box


The box is great! It is used every day, is very stimulating for the children and putting it away is child's play.

Andrea Stengel - Head of the Maria Königin kindergarten in Mainz

We think the Matzbox is incredibly great. Congratulations on such a great product.

Maja Clark - enthusiastic customer

We are delighted that we discovered these building blocks for children. The Matzbox has a wide range of uses in everyday life and can be combined very well with other materials.

Mrs Westermann - Head of the Piccolino daycare center

The Matzbox has become my son's favorite toy. I've sorted out so many things, but it's a must-have.

Lena V. – Matzbox Tester

An intuitive toy with added value! The children tested the Matzbox intensively and found it to be “super”.

K. Schölzke - Head of the kindergarten Mäuseburg in Dolgesheim

3D - Construction kit

No matter whether it’s a wooden robot or a knight’s castle.

Choose a model and discover what can be created from these wooden building blocks.

The yellow AR button beams the Matzbox to your home! Place a tall stacking tower or a knight's castle made of wood in the children's room and be amazed at the impressive structures that emerge from our sustainable construction kit. (AR function is not available on all devices)

Bild das die Funktionalität des AR-Buttons bei PCs erklärt. Aus das Symbol tippen dann erscheint ein QR-Code. Den mit dem Handy scannen und schon kannst du dein Wunschmodell (Auswahl 1 von 10) zu Hause platzieren. Bild das die Funktionalität des AR-Buttons bei mobilen Endgeräten erklärt. Aus das Symbol tippen und schon kannst du dein Wunschmodell (Auswahl 1 von 10) zu Hause platzieren

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Die Matzbox aufgeräumt als isometrisches Foto mit dem schön sichtbaren natürlichem Kontrast zwischen dem hellen Kiefernholz und dem dunklen Walnussholz

Just the one!

No frills here!

One design, two contrasting untreated types of wood and countless play options. The sustainable and versatile Matzbox that will bring joy for generations!

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