Junge baut einen Turm

Our awards in detail

Anyone can have a great idea, but to have multiple confirmations that you have created something very special is a great recognition and appreciation for us. We are proud that the Matzbox has received 3 of the most important awards and quality seals.

spiel gut logo-Die Matzbox ist spiel gut ausgezeichnet

spiel gut e.V.

The "spiel gut" seal is one of the most important and prestigious awards for good and educationally valuable children's toys in Germany.

This is important to spiel gut

Good toys support children's development by stimulating their imagination instead of restricting it, by not disappointing expectations, and by offering varied and continuous play opportunities. In addition, good toys are environmentally friendly, safe, and their durability and lifespan correspond to the intended purpose of the game. Toys awarded Spiel gut meet these and other criteria.

With spiel gut parents have an easy choice

For six decades, "spiel gut" has been providing guidance on purchasing toys. For just as long, its orange seal has served as a helpful tool for parents to navigate the vast toy market and find the right products for their children. Toys awarded the "spiel gut" seal have been tested by children and deemed particularly suitable by experts.

Meaning and criteria

The "Spiel gut" Seal of Approval

was founded in 1954 by a working committee of practitioners and scientists from medicine, natural sciences, psychology, education, art and architecture. Their aim was to show toy manufacturers what is meant by good toys from a scientific and artistic perspective. Today, the Spiel gut seal is one of the most important and prestigious awards for good and educationally valuable toys in Germany.

The assessment of the toys

is based on considerations and backgrounds that form the framework. Feedback from practical testing with children in families or daycare centers is also included in the overall result. If the final statement says: "Tested by children and approved by experts," the toy is awarded the orange Spiel gut seal.

The criteria

used to assess toys include whether they are suitable for the recommended age group and whether they meet the needs of children in every respect. It is equally important whether the toy encourages or restricts imagination and creativity. Toys should also address age-appropriate life experiences and offer diverse and ongoing play opportunities. In addition, the design, color and shape of the toy, the size and weight, as well as the number and quantity of toys and their construction and mechanics are taken into account. The durability and lifespan of the toy as well as its safety and environmental compatibility are also assessed.

The Matzbox and spiel gut

The Matzbox meets these criteria to a high degree. It is suitable for children aged 2 and over and promotes fantasy and imagination through the endless combination possibilities of the untreated wooden building blocks. The Matzbox is based on age-appropriate theme worlds and offers diverse and ongoing play options. The design, color and shape of the Matzbox is simple and aesthetic, while the size and weight of the building blocks are easy for children to handle. The Matzbox is durable and environmentally friendly and meets the highest safety standards.

BAG Logo _ Auszeichnung für besonders entwicklungsförderndes Spielzeug

Federal Association for Posture and Movement Promotion e.V. (BAG)

The Federal Association for Posture and Movement Promotion (BAG) launched the quality seal in 2008 in cooperation with the “Active School – Healthy School” initiative in Lower Saxony.

The quality seal

The quality seal "particularly developmentally beneficial" aims to meaningfully support children's sensitive and critical maturation processes through stimulating, motivating, and sustainable movement opportunities. It also seeks to raise societal awareness that children’s healthy and natural need for movement is closely connected to their cognitive, psychological, and social development. Especially in times of increasing physical inactivity among children, it is essential to rely on developmentally appropriate "movement qualities" that they can fully experience through complex everyday actions. Following the principle of "enabling rather than hindering," the quality seal promotes the idea of inclusive participation for all children and adolescents in movement and play activities.

The quality seal "particularly developmentally beneficial" aims to provide consumers with transparency, ensuring that these are exceptional offerings that highly meet the movement needs of a developing child or adolescent.

The criteria

In the evaluation of the submitted products/concepts, the focus is on their developmentally stimulating effect. The child is a creative, complex, adaptable, self-organizing individual. The primary focus of their actions is the movement requirement, the motivating movement challenge. Therefore, children need play and movement stimuli with a high level of appeal that allow them time and opportunity for experimentation and personal activity.

The evaluation considers the following aspects, among others:

• Conceptual idea and implementation
• Motor requirements and learning opportunities
• Play idea, play value, and sustainability
• Design and safety
• Self-activity

The practical application by the children is the central focus of the evaluation.

Logo_bewegte Innovation_Die Matzbox trägt auch diese Auszeichnung

Institute for Movement Education and Movement Research

Quality seal for determining the movement, learning and play value in order to offer users a manageable and accurate guide for selection, purchase and use.

Tasks & Goals

Your focus is on the classic understanding of your work. You create, organize and transfer knowledge on the subject of movement, whereby you are interested in the different meanings and effects of human movement, including education and upbringing, development and growing up, health, training, wellness and fitness, society, togetherness and culture as well as well-being and quality of life. In addition to research, the discourse and practical application of knowledge are also of great importance to you. You use theoretical, empirical as well as experience and practice-related knowledge to optimize and develop the various dimensions of "movement". In doing so, you work in the context of reflected and ethically sound application research, taking into account moral and ethical maxims and the wholeness of the human being, in order to improve proven ideas, products and concepts and to develop new ones.