Bild von Matzbox Bausteinen auf dem noch die Hände eines kindes zu sehen sind das sie gerade gefühlvoll aufeinander stapelt um etwas schönes zu bauen
Icon_weiss-gelb_Die Box macht den Unterschied. Ein Gelber Punkt der mal auf der Box mal in der Box und mal neben oder unter der Box liegt zeigt die Vielseitigkeit der Box.


Playfully encourage, therapeutically challenge – with the Matzbox

Our awards

Our high-quality wooden construction kit has been awarded spiel gut and other important awards and quality seals for educationally valuable toys and movement toys.


Creativity | Visual perception | Thinking ability | Action planning | Concentration | Eye-hand coordination | Vocabulary

The Matzbox is a toy that is suitable for all children - regardless of age, gender or ability. The Matzbox also offers numerous advantages for children with disabilities. It not only promotes motor skills, but also cognitive and social development.

The robustness of the Matzbox and the size of the building blocks are particularly noteworthy. Children with special needs can work with the building blocks without any problems and express their creativity. When building with the Matzbox, children with disabilities can also train their fine motor skills and coordination in a playful way. The various uses of the Matzbox can also train cognitive skills such as planning and carrying out building projects.

Another advantage of the Matzbox for children with disabilities is its inclusive design. The simple design and the option to customize the boxes make the Matzbox a gender-neutral toy for all children. Even children with physical disabilities can easily play with the Matzbox thanks to the size of the building blocks and the various possible uses.

The Matzbox is therefore an ideal educational toy for children with disabilities. It not only offers a wide range of uses and promotes motor and cognitive skills, but also the social integration and self-confidence of children. The Matzbox - for all children who enjoy building and designing!

I am fascinated by the diverse support options in 1:1 settings as well as in small groups.

MirjamKraft – Occupational Therapist - HOPPETOSSE Integrative Daycare and Nursery

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The Matzbox is not only a great toy for children, but also a valuable therapeutic tool. With its versatile applicability and wide range of building blocks and elements, it is ideal for promoting sensorimotor skills, visual perception, higher cognitive processes and social interactions in children with different needs.

Therapists and educators value the Matzbox as a valuable tool in occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioral therapy, psychotherapy and many other therapeutic areas. The different elements and building blocks enable targeted support of concentration, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, spatial perception and creativity.

Parents can also use the Matzbox to playfully support and encourage their children's development at home. The robust and extra-large building blocks are particularly suitable for children with motor disabilities or special needs, and enable a successful gaming experience and increased self-confidence.

The Matzbox is not just a toy, but a valuable therapeutic tool and an investment in the development and future of your children. Order now and experience the versatile possibilities of the Matzbox!